by: Brett Willcocks
Dear Andy,

We miss you.

I knew you first as my friendly neighbour when I first arrived in Geneva 25+ years ago, and never ceased to enjoy and appreciate your friendship.  One of the things that I will always remember, was touched by, and will always be proud of, is that you would sometimes refer to me as your little brother.  An honour shared with a good number of others, as you were a brother that I and we were very happy to have.

It is so sad that you were taken from us early, and even the possibility never entered my mind that fateful Saturday when we took you back to the hospital.  My memories will not be of that, but of the many long chats we had out in the shade of the garden, the smaller things like seeing you and Chantal go back and forth on your scooters to your favourite markets in the weekend, and yes even those wild few weeks on one of your business initiatives into Russia.

Much has already been said by people far more eloquent than I, but after all the years I’ve known you I just want to say this:  Thank you Andy for what you brought to me and to so many others, through your positive outlook, sincere friendship and the deep care and curiosity you had for the world.  We miss you and will continue to keep your memory alive in our hearts.

Sincerely yours,

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